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Issue 52

Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Інформатика, управління та обчислювальна техніка: Зб. наук. пр. – К.: Век+, – 2010. – № 52. – 144 c.



Pavlov A.A., Misyura O.B., Melnikov O.V., Arakelyan G.A., Scherbatenko O.V., Mikhailov V.V., Lysets T.N. The system of hierarchical planning and decision making in organizational and production systems

Lutsky G.M., Volokita A.N., Ivanov D.G. Method of organizing the encrypted file system based on cryptographic primitives for access control

Kulakov I.O., Brolinskyy S.M., Ashayev Y.M. Simulation of GRID systems using hierarchical scheduling and virtual clusters

Karpinsky V.N., Evtukh P.S., Kinakh Y.I. Graph-theoretic approach to modeling Distributed wireless sensor networks

Rokovoy A.P. Analysis of the effectiveness of VOIP codecs in the global network

Rolik A.I., Voloshin A.V., Galushko D.O., Mozharovsky P.F., Pokotilo O.O. Agent-based corporative information-telecommunication infrastructure control system

Pisarenko A.V., Tsvyelodub S.A. Developing a MATLAB/SIMULINK toolkit for management system control devices based on FPGA

Lutsky G.M., Blinov T.A., Poryev V.M. Using some methods of coding to improve the accuracy of calculations

Zaichenko E.U., Zaichenko U.P., Lavrynchuk A.N. Instrumental complex of algorithms and programs for optimal design of MPLS networks

Murga N.A. Application of fuzzy neural networks for analysis of currency quotations

Kostik D.Y. Optimized implementation of modified PDS-algorithm for minimizing total tasks delay

Salapatov V.I. Methods of program optimization at the machine code level

Sergienko A.M., Lepeha V.L. A specialized LAN controller

Sergienko A.M, Lesyk T.M. Implementation of reconfigurable recursive digital filters on FPGA

Ladohubets V.V., Finogenov A.D., Beznosyk O.Y. On macromodel optimization of mechanical components

Buzovskiy O.V., Boldak A.A., Nevdaschenko M.V. The semantics of the models and the dimension of design problems

Stirenko S.G., Zinenko O.I. Storing large sparse matrices in a system with local memory

Tomashevsky V.M., Novikov U.L., Kaminska P.A. Scheduling classes in distance learning systems

Laktionov E.Y., Malitsky A.U. Using XML for preparation of specialized program documentation

Velma A.M., Laktionov E.Y. Choosing tracking error system depending on the software configuration