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Issue 60

Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Інформатика, управління та обчислювальна техніка: Зб. наук. пр. – К.: Век+, – 2014. – № 60. – 131 c.

Full Text


Pavlov A.A., Misura E.B., The PDC-algorithms for one machine scheduling problem to minimize total earliness and tardiness

Amons О.А., Data synchronization in distributed information systems

Markovskiy O.P., Tereshchenko S. Y., Fedorechko O.I. Method for correction of triple errors during data transmission in bimary symmetric channels

Pavlov A.A., Kalashnik V.V. Recommendations on the selection of the area of the active experiment for the one-dimensional polynomial regression analysis

Markovskiy O.P., Ivanov D. G., Velikiy М.М., Nevdashenko M.V. Method for data reservation and shortcut recovering in remote memory systems

Stirenko S. G. The load rebalancing method in cluster systems

Markovskiy O.P., Gubska A.O., Chechel V.R., Fedorechko O.I. Method for double synchronization errors correcting in asynchronous digital data transmission

Rokovoy A. P., Gabinet A. V. Method of forecasting the delay dispersion in transmission of voice data

Buzovskyi O. V., Podrubailo O. O. Methods and algorithms of distributed join for in-memory data grids

Loutskii H. M., Dolgolenko O. M., Aksyonenko S. V., Storozhuk V. O. Modeling restricted omplementation of data flow architecture in the structure of the superscalar processor core

Koronenko A. M. Research of dynamics load multiservice Networks

Zymchuk I. V. Reduction of control object models for the synthesis of simple regulators

Gusev E.I. Mathematical modeling of distributed cluster system which uses shared everything approach (Oracle RAC)

Sergiyenko A.M., Sergiyenko P.A. Implementation of square root in FPGA

Rolik O.I. Method of service level management on service-resource models based